
Reverse Advent Calendar Appeal 2019

If you would like to help the foodbank make Christmas a little brighter for those in need in our city, please consider supporting our Christmas campaign. Here is all you need to know: What is a reverse advent calendar? The idea is that you give back rather than receive for each of the 24 days.  […]

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How to give money to the foodbank

The Whitehawk Foodbank is totally self-funded and relies on grants and donations to keep afloat. We are always grateful for donations of food, but financial donations allow us to direct your gift to where it is most needed.  That might be purchasing supplies of specific food or household goods, but it could also be directed towards rent, […]

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Ordering a food delivery for the foodbank

We are sometimes asked if we can receive online supermarket deliveries to the foodbank – and the answer is yes please! This is a brilliant way to send us food and we always really appreciate any donations of this kind.  We don’t mind which supermarket or delivery service you use.  We can’t currently take fresh […]

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Meeting a Girl Called Jack

Last week, four of our volunteers received tickets to attend Jack Monroe’s Tin Can Pop Up Supper Club as a Thank You from the foodbank for their time and dedication as volunteers – what a great way to start UK Volunteers Week 2019! The evening was hosted by the Real Junk Food Project in Brighton […]

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Joanne’s Story

Joanne first came to the foodbank as a client and needed help for herself and her daughter who also had food allergies. “The foodbank were great – so understanding.  They talked to me about which food would be good for my daughter and I left with food I knew I could really use”. Over time […]

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Foodbank Introduces Text Donations

The Whitehawk Foodbank have now made it easier for people to support their work financially by introducing giving by text. Simply text the word FOOD to 70470 to give £20. This costs £20 plus a std rate msg.  Alternatively, you can opt to give any whole amount up to £20, for example by texting FOOD […]

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Donation guidelines

Here is a quick overview of the rules: Food Must be unopened Must be within date Must be non-perishable, ie. doesn’t need a fridge or freezer Must not contain alcohol Non-food Nappies, sanitary towels and tampons – must be unopened All toiletries must be unopened Washing tablets – box can be opened if the tablets […]

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2018 Update so far…

So much has happened at the foodbank over the last few months; here is a quick round up: Milestones March 2018 saw us mark three years since opening in 2015.  During that time our numbers have grown steadily but we have also increased the provision of advice services available; Money Advice Plus, CAP, BHESCO and Home […]

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Christmas Gifts

As we prepare for the final foodbank session before Christmas, we wanted to take the opportunity to say a huge THANK YOU to everyone who has supported us; throughout the year and also over the last few weeks.  Your generosity this year has enabled us to feed over 1,100 people in 2017. The response to […]

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Our current shopping list

We always appreciate donations of any of the following items. A list of our donation points across the city can be found here. Thank you.  

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